Friday, August 26, 2022

We Were Surrounded!

Dear Family,

This is my chair! It’s a very special bear watching chair, because from this vantage point I can guard the entire yard.

In fact, last night I heard the bear, but by the time the lady put her boots and took me out, the yard was predator-free. I can only conclude that my ferocious bark scared the big bear before I could investigate. But all was not lost, because I did pee. πŸ˜‡ 

I made the lady very happy this morning because I gifted her with kisses as soon as I woke up, and that was not even the most exciting part of the day!

Mere moments after my post breakfast walk, just as the lady and I stepped inside the patio it happened! Without warning, two of the biggest trucks that I have ever seen appeared in the yard!

The first truck stopped right in front of the patio! The second one stopped on the other side. We were surrounded! 😳

Initially, I was wide-eyed and speechless.  Then two big men got out of the trucks and spoke to the lady. That was when I found my voice and unleashed my most intimidating barks! She warned them that I was a killer, and you won’t believe what happened next!

They laughed. 🀬 

So as not to prolong my humiliation, the lady took me inside the house and told me not to worry because they were just here to do yard-work.  However, I was NOT deterred and from inside the house I barked louder and longer. I'm sure by then they were no longer laughing!

Is your beach as exciting as the Lady’s Camp?


Ginger 🐾😘

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