Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Hi Mom,

I’m doing well, but an issue that I hoped would resolve itself has come to fruition and it is one that I must bring to your attention. The lady is obsessed with recording my every move! I know I’m adorable, but come on! What is this? A documentary?

I was barely awake when the bright light of the camera's flash shone in my eyes.

The following videos tell the story far better than mere words can. I don't care to elaborate on today's most wounding intrusion. Suffice it to say that it occurred on my first walk. Mercifully, the lady deleted the video of my requisite poop preparation. Nonetheless, I can still feel the sting of humiliation.

That said, I must shoulder some responsibility. When you’re as beautiful as I am, there are likely to be consequences. Therefore I resolve to take one for the team and bask in her admiration and attention for a few more days.

In the meantime, perhaps you can have a talk with her about boundaries! I know I can count on you Mom. 

I trust that you will enjoy viewing these videos far more than I did participating in them.


Maggie 😘❤️🐾

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Maggie The Cat

Lady's NoteAlthough she earned the above title in the most adorable way (Stay Tuned!), Maggie is in fact, a dog. Specifically, a mini dachshund. Weighing in at an impressive eight pounds, she is fifteen years old, blind in one eye, and partially deaf, Given all of that, I appreciated her mom's concerns about leaving her. However, I soon discovered that no one had explained to Maggie that her age and deficits should slow her down. She was clearly having none of our silly human perceptions.

Dear Mom,

I am writing to assure you of my well being, because I think you may be worried. After you leftI did sniff around and look for you. I was sad, but felt better after the lady told me that you would be back soon.

After that, I jumped up on the couch with her and we snuggled for a bit. She promised to watch after me until you return. (Huge sigh of relief.)

Then I helped the lady put up her Christmas tree! 🎄 And by help, I mean supervised. And by supervised, I mean napped.

Please try not to worry about me. I suspect that the lady is already quite fond of me as evidenced by the number of photos and videos she has taken.
